
Welcome to Bible Prophecy and Truth!

Did you know that today's news was written 2500 years ago?

This site is dedicated to the study of Biblical Truth, Biblical Prophecy, and exposing the lies of the devil.


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This entire book is online on this web site and can be read here for free! Enjoy!

The Big Picture - The Final Mosaic that God Painted!

The Stage is Set for Satan to conclude his plans to rule the world and bring out his Antichrist!


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It's Almost Midnight (a message to Christians)

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known vs speculation




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Click here to download a pdf of all three Prophecy And Truth books - FREE

Do not let them deceive you! Muslims will tell you they believe in Jesus, but you can see their version of Jesus is not at all what God's record of His Son tells us!


Do not let them deceive you! Muslims will tell you they believe in Jesus, but you can see their version of Jesus is not at all what God's record of His Son tells us!

Click here to download a pdf of all three Prophecy And Truth books - FREE

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This entire book is online on this web site and can be read here for free! Enjoy!

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